
Love Game Banneado de Televisión Australiana

Love Game ha sido prohibido en la TV Australiana por "frecuentes referencias sexuales tanto verbales como visuales".

La canción, No 18 en Australia esta semana, repite el eufemismo sexual "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick'' " varias veces.....Y al parecer, canal 10s, no ha querido pasarlo.

"esto es muy particular, conseguimos un clip que es tan sexual al punto de que no hay forma de corregirlo sin destruir la intención orginal del video" señaló ayer Ben Fletcher productor de Video Hits.

Los censores de ten se opusieron a la letra "heavy touching'', "I'm educated in sex'' and "I want it bad'' as well as Gaga's "sexual postures'' in her dance moves, a near-naked outfit and her male dancer's "fetish-like costumes''.



Lady GaGa Love Game video banned from Australian TV

RACY pop star Lady Gaga is too sexy for Australian TV censors, with her clip for Love Game banned for "frequent verbal and visual sexual references".

The song, at No.18 in Australia this week, repeats the sexual euphemism "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick'' multiple times..

Channel 10's in-house censors have given Love Game an M rating; clips must be rated either G or PG to appear on Video Hits, reports The Herald Sun.

"It's pretty rare we get a pop clip that's sexual to the point there's almost no way we can edit it without destroying the original intent of the video,'' Video Hits producer Ben Fletcher said yesterday.

Ten's censors objected to the lyrics "heavy touching'', "I'm educated in sex'' and "I want it bad'' as well as Gaga's "sexual postures'' in her dance moves, a near-naked outfit and her male dancer's "fetish-like costumes''.

Fuente: news.com.au ....
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